Aku terbaca artikel ni kat MalayMail Online
6%je? ke?! |
Hasil kajian ni (malas aku nak translate ke BM):
- Malaysians tend to focus on short-sighted gratification
- 93% of the survey respondents earn a monthly wage of RM3,000 or less individually
- About 19% of the respondents also said they felt they have too much debt,
- ONLY 26% said they make full settlements of their credit card debts at the end of the month.
- ONLY 51% of the respondents have a “rainy day” fund,
- 76% admitted to having difficulty to raise RM1,000 in emergency cash if needed.
Responden kajian ni pon satu hal jugak, macam mana 51% kata ade ‘rainy day” fund sedangkan 76% menghadapi kesukaran untuk keluarkan RM1000 bila keadaan mendesak??
Besar tak besar jugak la pasaran untuk Perancangan Kewangan kat Malaysia ni 🙂
Kalau korang kenal sesiapa dalam kategori survey kat atas, bleh la mintak diorang kontek aku untuk di “sekolahkan”.
Kalau korang kenal sesiapa dalam kategori survey kat atas, bleh la mintak diorang kontek aku untuk di “sekolahkan”.
M.K. Anwar Rangkuti, AFPM
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